Note: I’m here in San Diego County in my new/old 39 foot Chevy Motorhome. I can’t get a signal for my Verizon LG smartphone (I’ll be taking a spin in my Ford Explorer in search of a signal; my VOIP phone, magicjack requiring a broadband connection, is currently not up except for voicemail). The radio reception is also limited which led me to ‘sample’ some limited AM offerings which included shallow sean hannity the hallmark of insanity, and ‘rush revere’ [limbaugh… he’s totally burned out (the consequence of his being ‘tired of carrying the water for the republican party’? - his own words), relegated now to authoring children’s illustrated books of a simplistic nature]. Shallow sean’s latest ‘crusade’ (beyond the same note/key obvious debacle of wobamacare) was defense of the indefensible mobster but friend of sean’s, donald trump (trump should be in jail). In defense of t_rump, he offers up the itsy-bitsy, teeny weeny wohlman skating rink project as evidence of t_rump’s contribution to NYC (too small for high new york priority given the magnitude of New York substantial problems, some largely the result of trumpish tastes, ie., solid gold trump tower fixtures, etc., that trump’s ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ seem to fail to touch, and which extravagance must be paid for by someone, but not him). Shallow sean’s excoriation of new york city never seems to link the obviousness of t_rump’s grandstanding responsibility for same. After all, someone ultimately has to pay for trump’s disproportionate non-value-added livin’ large. No talk of trump’s ingratiating bribe strategy for protection ( ie., retainer’s to law firms linked to state attorney generals, viz., {kimmelman} wolf and sampson, chris droney’s brother, his sister’s protection/corruption and quid pro quo from the federal bench, etc., and as well, protection of drug-money laundering through his now nominal only casinos … See, ie.,  .  Trump’s a fraud! I won’t be listening to ‘rush revere’ or shallow sean prospectively. They’re a waste of time and preposterous given their unbridled support of war criminals bush, cheney, etc., and the failed debacles they created, etc……




BANZAI7 (aka) Colonel Flick

The Cat recommends the following video:


{ The Cat dispatching this archaic reptilian remnant of an extinct species. Yet, doesn’t the ill-fated croc seem to be smiling a typically wide grin as if to say, ‘he’s glad to be done-in by such a noble creature as the Cat’ (as opposed to lesser species including all forms of apes and their progeny, potentially even winding up as a pocket-book, belt, or pair of shoes). Yes, there’s a place in the universe for Cats! }







williambanzai7's picture












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LIAR OF THE JEKYLL (To Bit or Not To Bit)



To Bit, or not to Bit: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fiat distortions,
Or to take arms against a sea of endless bubbles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sweep;
No more; and by a sweep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand Wall Street schtupps
That insolvent flesh is heir to, ’tis a con-flagellation
Devoutly to be dish’d. To die, to sweep;
To sweep: perchance to scream: ay, there’s the hubub;
For aft that sweep of bankster dregs what new reams may come?
When we have shuffled off the immoral coinage,
Must give us pause: there’s the hazard of moral neglect
That makes calamity of sound money life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of fiat debasement ,
The oppressor’s wrong, the borrowing idiot's contumely,
The pangs of despised austerity, the law of gravity's delay,
The insolence of central banking office and the spurns
That impatient murmur of money changing snakes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a Benjamin Bernankin? who would QE fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life of indebtured servitude,
But that the dread of something after redemption prior to maturity,
The undiscovered monetary wasteland from whose bourn
Are no asset returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those monetary ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not much of?
Thus risk avoidance does make cowards of us all;
And thus the creative hue of fiscal revolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of doubt,
And genius enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard alternative currencies turn awry,
And lose the name of action.–Soft you now!
And now the Bitcoin hysteria…
While Banksta pimps 'r in thy orfices
Be all our financial sins and cowardices priced in.



Fake Employment Numbers – And 5 More Massive Economic Lies The Government Is Telling You

Lies - Photo by Rob Koster

According to a whistleblower that has recently come forward, Census employees have been faking and manipulating U.S. employment numbers for years.  In fact, it is being alleged that this manipulation was a significant reason for why the official unemployment rate dipped sharply just before the last presidential election.  What you are about to read is incredibly disturbing.  The numbers that the American people depend upon to make important decisions are being faked.  But should we be surprised by this?  After all, Barack Obama has been caught telling dozens of major lies over the past five years.  At this point it is incredible that there are any Americans that still trust anything that comes out of his mouth.  And of course it is not just Obama that has been lying to us.  Corruption and deception are rampant throughout the entire federal government, and this has been the case for years.  Now that some light is being shed on this, hopefully the American people will respond with overwhelming outrage and disgust. (Read More....)





williambanzai7's picture













INTRoDuCiNG WiLLiaMBaNZai7'S SPeCiaL EDiTioN oF HoLiDaY PuKeS...

williambanzai7's picture



Here they are. WilliamBanzai7's Special Holiday Puke Fine Art Print Editions just in time for the Christmas Holidays…
















Dear Friends,

Here before you is a truly historic series of images that I have painstakingly adapted to the current state of sordidly odiferous political/financial affairs.

Years from now, there will be little doubt over what the artist was seeing and thinking contemporaneously in the year 2013.

I am not going to oversell these pictures. They speak for themselves.

They also demonstrate how history truly rhymes on Wall Street.

I have all of these in very large high resolution files. So every print will match the highest standards of fine art print production.

As you can see, I have departed from normal practice by offering these prints in an assortment of sizes. I have done this solely to maximize your

participation by spreading price points. Bear in mind that the amount of personal time and effort involved is the same irrespective of print size.

Each print will be signed, numbered and dated December 25, 2013.

I know that many of you are suffering various levels of economic hardship in these trying times. As is always the case, you are free to print these off for your own personal use.

I truly appreciate all the the moral and financial support that I receive from all of you.

As you know, the primary reason that I am doing these prints is to signify my gratitude in return for your generous support for my endeavors.

It is my sincerest wish that the situation will  turn sooner than later so that each and everyone of us can return to personal prosperity.

Best wishes to you all,

And Fuck You Ben Bernanke!





williambanzai7's picture





A List Of 23 Famous Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies



Barack Obama takes one last look in the mirror before going out to take the oath of office


How many lies can one president tell and still retain any credibility?  What you are about to see is absolutely astounding.  It is a long list of important promises that Barack Obama has broken since he has been president.  If he had only told a few lies, perhaps the American people would be willing to overlook that.  After all, pretty much all of our politicians our liars.  Unfortunately, many of the lies that Obama has told appear to have been quite cold-hearted in nature.  For example, Barack Obama repeatedly made the promise that “you will be able to keep your health care plan” under Obamacare.  But now we are learning that he knew that this was a lie all along.  Not only that, the Democrats in Congress knew that this was a lie all along too.  In fact, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, said the following when she was asked about Obama’s promise to the American people recently: “He should’ve just been specific. No, we all knew.”  You can see video of her making this statement right here.  The truth is that they all knew that millions upon millions of Americans would lose their current health care policies under Obamacare.  They deliberately lied just so that they could get the law passed.

And of course this is far from the only major lie that Obama has told in recent years.  The following is a list of 23 famous Obama quotes that turned out to be broken promises or cold-hearted lies…

#1 “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

#2 “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

#3 “We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

#4 “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

#5 “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country that governors and mayors are pleading to fund. And the minute we can get those investments to the state level, jobs are going to be created.”

#6 “And we will pursue the housing plan I’m outlining today. And through this plan, we will help between 7 and 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages so they can afford—avoid foreclosure.”

#7 “I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

#8 “We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

#9 “For people with insurance, the only impact of the health-care law is that their insurance is stronger, better, and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

#10 “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years.”

#11 “Allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S.”

#12 “We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years.”

#13 “Will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”

#14 “We reject sweeping claims of ‘inherent’ presidential power.”

#15 “Will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year. This will eliminate taxes for 7 million seniors — saving them an average of $1,400 a year– and will also mean that 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return at all.”

#16 “We support constitutional protections and judicial oversight on any surveillance program involving Americans.”

#17 “If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.  I will get our troops home, we will end this war.  You can take that to the bank.”

#18 “Will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.”

#19 “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

#20 “We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism…. That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time….’”

#21 “We’ve got to spend some money now to pull us out of this recession. But as soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means, instead of leaving debt for our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.”

#22 “[T]oday I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay – and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.”

#23 “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States.”

About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new thriller entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on



By Unilaterally Changing Obamacare, Obama Is Making A Mockery Of The Constitution

Obama Laughing

Since when can a president change a law all by himself?  By unilaterally declaring that certain provisions of Obamacare will not be enforced, Barack Obama is making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution.  For those that have not read it, the U.S. Constitution says that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed“.  So when Obama declares that he will not enforce certain provisions of Obamacare for a year, he is directly violating the Constitution.  And as Stanford Law School Professor Michael McConnell wrote back in July, the Office of Legal Counsel for the Justice Department “has always insisted that the president has no authority, as one such memo put it in 1990, to ‘refuse to enforce a statute he opposes for policy reasons.’”  This is an open and shut case.  If the U.S. Congress still had a shred of respect for the Constitution, they would immediately demand that Obama enforce the law as written.  If Obama refused, they should immediately impeach him.  We are a country that is run by the rule of law, and just because Obama’s new law completely screws up one-sixth of the economy does not mean that he can unilaterally change it.  In our system, Congress makes the laws and the president enforces them.  If we allow any president to unilaterally change laws whenever he does not like them, then that puts us dangerously close to having a dictator in the White House. (Read More.....)










Too BiG To JaiL...

williambanzai7's picture



The Law demands that we atone

When we take things that we don't own;

But leaves the lords and ladies fine

Who take things that are yours and mine...

Anonymous, circa 1764






The dice of this moron are loaded

All trust in our system's eroded

But still he plays on

A Kleptocrat Con

He'll play till the world has exploded

The Limerick King




























Commemorating 100 Years of Central Bankster Schtupping




[I am just too stupid to figure out why this picture won't center. It's not that I haven't spent 15 minutes staring at the damned HTML code]



We Americans are basically a very simple people.

Our formula for past successes has essentially been distilled as follows: maintain a "can-do" attitude, believe in the "American way", honest hard work will be rewarded, abundant opportunity and upward mobility for all.

Those who play the prosperity game correctly may look  forward to retirement in a spleniferous life of leisure and Obamacare.

Once upon a time, this is is what American Thanksgiving was supposed to look like...




Most Americans desperately cling to the foolish Ponzi pipe dream of a notion that this Thanksgiving dream is still possible.

And for some PhD morons who evidently borrow subprime QE money to purchase shitty American vehicles made principally of plastic components sourced in Shenzen, the dream has been fullfilled.

Unfortunately, for reasons far to numerous to enumerate in this post, this is all just a Ponzi Pilgrim's delusion.

There is one big kahuna of a fucking reason so very plainly obvious.

When it comes to ridding our fucking system of finance, the "fucking system" if you will, of all the learned fucking thieves sitting the top of the fucking Ponzi pyramid, we are hopelessly screwed up each and every one of our Holland and Lincoln Tunnels.

The same cheap fucking QE paper that buys those shitty vehicles will also pay the much ballyhooed $13 Billion JPM shyster fine. Half of JPM's profits in 2013.

Gobble fucking Goebbels.

I won't insult anyone's fringe low brow intelligence by asking who has been convicted.

In any event, such a scenario is far to fetched to even consider.

Instead I will pose the following question:

The biggest most egregious case of financial fraud and chicanery by a US banking institution measured by the fiat of the fine.

The biggest fine ever!

"Hoooly Cow!"--Phil Rizutto

Have the regulators who are in charge of the whole JP Clusterfuck (you know the ones who keep getting reappointed, promoted or hired by private equity firms) applied their very substantial leverage to force the Shyster in Chief of JP Cesspool to cede his shysterly position by resigning?

Is this something that could have happened? Of course it is.

Don't believe me?

Go and ask our distinguished colleague Bill Black, Esq what he thinks.

Does the fact that the same schlemiel will remain in charge of the old JP Cesspit send the rest of us a message?

You better believe it does...

Whatcha are you gonna do sisters and brothers?

Sadly, for most of the rest of America it all boils down to this...


Goebbel, Goebbel, Goebbel!















Atheist 'mega-churches' take root across US, world  { They are intellectually dishonest, disingenuous, and most importantly, absolutely wrong. Quite simply, atheists are pathetic! }

It looked like a typical Sunday morning at any mega-church. Several hundred people, including families with small children, packed in for more than an hour of rousing music, an inspirational talk and some quiet reflection. The only thing missing was God. ... 







Knox's knife DNA casts doubt on murder weapon

U.S. student Amanda Knox's defense got a boost last week when a new DNA test on a kitchen knife failed to conclusively prove that it was the murder weapon used to kill her British roommate. ... 


{ I’ve had occasion to read the well-written book ‘Murder in Italy’ by award-winning italian-american author, Candace Dempsey, which documents the horrific travesty called ‘italian justice’ (actually blatant injustice) torturously imposed upon Amanda Knox et als (rudy guede excepted). So outrageous but typical of these typical italians ( like packs of the rabid dogs they are pre-disposed to be). (Parenthetically, my grandparents, both of whom I loved and respected – Elsie/Nanny, Bari, Italy and Martin/Mario/PopPop (Peia), Lake Como, Italy – were not typical as such; but rather, thoroughly modern in all respects relative to time and extremely civilized in a manner to be emulated … although, truth be told, I found italians with mob/mafia links/connections/sympathies to be like those rabid perugians/italians who outrageously pilloried Amanda Knox, See, ie.,   ) }







I HaVe HaZ ENuFFS!!!

williambanzai7's picture





































Collecting Donations For Wal-Mart Employees That Cannot Afford Thanksgiving Dinner?

Wal-Mart Collecting Donations For Their Employees - Photo Courtesy Of OUR Wal-MartYou may find what is happening at one Wal-Mart in Ohio very hard to believe.  At the Wal-mart on Atlantic Boulevard in Canton, Ohio employees are being asked to donate food items so that other employees that cannot afford to buy Thanksgiving dinner will be able to enjoy one too.  You can see a photo of the donation bins that has been posted on Twitter right here.  On the one hand, it is commendable that someone at that Wal-Mart is deeply concerned about the employees that are so poor that they cannot afford to buy the food that they need for Thanksgiving.  On the other hand, this is a perfect example that shows how the quality of the jobs in this country has gone down the toilet.  Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and it had operating income of 26.5 billion dollars last year.  Wal-Mart is not required to pay their employees a decent wage, and it is very unlikely that anyone will force them to.  But they should.  Because Wal-Mart does not pay decent wages to their employees, the rest of us end up with the bill.  As you will see below, huge numbers of Wal-Mart employees end up on Medicaid and other government assistance programs.  Meanwhile, those that control Wal-Mart continue to enjoy absolutely massive profits. (Read More....)








Obamacare: The Final Nail In The Coffin For The Middle Class


If there were any shreds of hope left that the stunning decline of the middle class could be turned around, Obamacare has absolutely destroyed them.  Over the past decade or so, the middle class in the United States has been absolutely eviscerated.  The number of working age Americans without a job has increased by 27 million since the year 2000, median household income in the U.S. has fallen for five years in a row, and the poverty numbers in this country are spiraling out of control.  And now here comes Obamacare.  As you will see below, Obamacare is causing millions of Americans to lose their current health insurance policies, it is causing health insurance premiums to explode to absolutely ridiculous levels, and it is systematically killing jobs even though the employer mandate has been delayed for a while.  All of this is creating a tremendous amount of stress for millions of middle class families that are already stretched extremely thin financially.  According to CNN, a survey that was conducted earlier this year found that 76 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.  Most of those families simply cannot afford to pay much higher health insurance premiums for new policies that also come with much larger deductibles and significantly increased out-of-pocket costs.  Millions of those families will ultimately end up choosing to do without health insurance altogether, and that will create a whole host of new problems.  This is a disaster that is so enormous that it is really hard to put into words.  If the U.S. health care system was a separate country, it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire globe all by itself.  And now Obamacare is going to bring the entire U.S. health care system to its knees. (Read More....)









The Federal Reserve Is Monetizing A Staggering Amount Of U.S. Government Debt

Federal Reserve Balance SheetThe Federal Reserve is creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air and using that money to buy U.S. government debt and mortgage-backed securities and take them out of circulation.  Since the middle of 2008, these purchases have caused the Fed's balance sheet to balloon from under a trillion dollars to nearly four trillion dollars.  This represents the greatest central bank intervention in the history of the planet, and Janet Yellen says that she does not anticipate that it will end any time soon because "the recovery is still fragile".  Of course, as I showed the other day, the truth is that quantitative easing has done essentially nothing for the average person on the street.  But what QE has done is that it has sent stocks soaring to record highs.  Unfortunately, this stock market bubble is completely and totally divorced from economic reality, and when the easy money is taken away the bubble will collapse.  Just look at what happened a few months ago when Ben Bernanke suggested that the Fed may begin to "taper" the amount of quantitative easing that it was doing.  The mere suggestion that the flow of easy money would start to slow down a little bit was enough to send the market into deep convulsions.  This is why the Federal Reserve cannot stop monetizing debt.  The moment the Fed stops, it could throw our financial markets into a crisis even worse than what we saw back in 2008. (Read More....)





Americans Are Disgusted By BOTH Republicans and Democrats Posted by : George Washington Post date: 10/11/2013 - 60% of Americans Want a Third Party Candidate for 2016  { Make that a ‘Second Party Candidate’ since there seems to be a morphed one party which could be aptly called the repdemolicansocrats which has supported failure, obama’s failure, ultimately at every turn, though contraindicated, favoring that 1% with their ‘non-plan plan’ which has somewhat obfuscated wobama’s unequivocal failure in terms of selling the sizzle ( like Zimbabwee, soaring inflation/asset bubbles/paper share prices, etc.) … Bob Woodward did not mince words in positing blame with wobama …  Yet, the incompetence/corruption is pervasive which is my direct observation and experience …    }








New research offers one explanation for why Stonehenge mystery hasn't been solved. (Getty Images/Broken News Daily)








China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars

Money - Photo by Pen WaggenerChina just dropped an absolute bombshell, but it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States.  The central bank of China has decided that it is "no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves".  During the third quarter of 2013, China's foreign-exchange reserves were valued at approximately $3.66 trillion.  And of course the biggest chunk of that was made up of U.S. dollars.  For years, China has been accumulating dollars and working hard to keep the value of the dollar up and the value of the yuan down.  One of the goals has been to make Chinese products less expensive in the international marketplace.  But now China has announced that the time has come for it to stop stockpiling U.S. dollars.  And if that does indeed turn out to be the case, than many U.S. analysts are suggesting that China could also soon stop buying any more U.S. debt.  Needless to say, all of this would be very bad for the United States. (Read More....)



Obamacare Is Going To Be The Biggest Expansion Of The Welfare State In U.S. History

Barack ObamaCan the U.S. government afford to pay for the health care of 38 million more people?  As you will see below, Obamacare is going to be the biggest expansion of the welfare state in U.S. history.  It is being projected that a decade from now 17 million Americans will be receiving Obamacare subsidies and an additional 21 million Americans will have been added to the Medicaid rolls.  At a time when we are already running trillion dollar deficits, is this really something that the government should be taking on?  In addition, it is being projected that bringing millions upon millions of new people into the Medicaid program will also cause enrollment in many other federal welfare programs such as food stamps to surge.  Right now, the percentage of Americans that are financially dependent on the U.S. government is already at an all-time high, and Obamacare is going to cause the level of government dependence to go much, much higher.  But how much weight can the “safety net” actually carry before it breaks entirely? (Read More.....)


10 Obamacare Horror Stories That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

No ObamacareThe more Americans learn about Obamacare, the less they like it.  They were promised that under Obamacare they would be able to keep their current health insurance plans, that health insurance premiums would be lower, and that millions more Americans would be able to get coverage.  But none of those promises are turning out to be true.  Right now, millions of Americans are receiving cancellation notices from their health insurance companies – including many Americans that are in a life or death battle with cancer.  By the end of next year, it is being projected that up to 100 million more Americans could have their health insurance policies canceled.  Meanwhile, large numbers of Americans are discovering that their “new plans” are going to cost them two, three, four or even five times as much as their old plans cost them.  You are about to see some shocking examples of this.  And now that the reality of Obamacare is really starting to sink in for the American people, the popularity of the law is starting to drop like a rock.  According to a brand new CBS News poll that was just released, only 31 percent of all Americans still approve of Obamacare while an astounding 61 percent of all Americans now disapprove of it.  Perhaps if we get that number to 70 or 80 percent, the politicians in Washington D.C. will cave in and we can get this law repealed.  So please share this article with as many people as you possibly can.  The following are 10 Obamacare horror stories that are almost too crazy to believe… (Read More.....)

Edie Littlefield Sundby: “My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.

My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits.”

Patricia in North Carolina:”I am a 62 year old woman who has an individual policy with BCBS of North Carolina.  My premiums are $249.50 per month.  I bought the policy when I retired and moved to NC to be closer to my aging parents.  The policy is a high deductible one with a $2700 deductible, $5000 out of pocket maximum.  BCBS has told me my plan is no longer offered due to Obamacare and that my new plan will cost $600.55 per month and has a required an out of pocket maximum of $6350.”

Jacqueline Proctor: Take, for example, Jacqueline Proctor of San Francisco. She and her husband are in their early 60s. They have been paying $7,200 a year for a bare-bones Kaiser Permanente health plan with a $5,000 per person annual deductible. “Kaiser told us the plan does not comply with Obamacare and the substitute will cost more than twice as much,” about $15,000 per year, she says.

This new plan, Kaiser’s cheapest offering for 2014, would consume about 25 percent of their after-tax income. The new plan still has a $5,000 deductible but provides coverage for things her current policy does not, such as maternity care, healthy child visits and coverage for dependents up to age 26. Proctor has no use for such coverage, since her son is 30.

Gloria Cantor: Gloria Cantor of Florida has cancer — five brain tumors and tumors in her bones — but she won’t have the health insurance she has relied on for her treatment for much longer.

Mrs. Cantor and her husband, Jay, told WFTV in Orlando that their insurance is being dropped in order to comply with Obamacare regulations.

“The Cantors received [a] letter in the mail [that] explains Gloria’s health insurance will end next summer due to the Affordable Care Act,” reporter Lori Brown says. “But after promises by President Obama … the Cantors now feel betrayed. After the insurance company drops them, it will offer them a different plan that it admits will be more expensive. The Cantors are especially worried because their doctors cannot assure them that [the MD Anderson Cancer Center] will still accept the new plan.”

A Zero Hedge Reader: My company, based in California, employs 600. We used to insure about 250 of our employees. The rest opted out. The company paid 50% of their premiums for about $750,000/yr.

Under obamacare, none can opt out without penalty, and the rates are double or triple, depending upon the plan. Our 750k for 250 employees is going to $2 million per year for 600 employees.

By mandate, we have to pay 91.5% of the premium or more up from the 50% we used to pay.

Our employees share of the premium goes from $7/week for the cheapest plan to $30/week. 95% of my employees were on that plan.  Remember, we used to pay 50% now we pay 91.5% and the premiums still go up that much!!

The  cheapest plan now has a deductible of $6350! Before it was $150. Employees making $9 to $10/hr, have to pay $30/wk and have a $6350 deductible!!! What!!!!

They can’t afford that to be sure. Obamacare will kill their propensity to seek medical care. More money for less care? How does that help them?

Ashley Dionne: I graduated from The University of Michigan in 2009. In my state, this used to mean something, but even with a bachelor’s I was told I was too educated and wouldn’t stay. I watched as kids with GEDs and high school diploma’s took the low-paying jobs for which I applied.

I went back to school and got a second degree and finally found work at a gym. I work nights and only get 32 hours a week for eight dollars an hour. I’m unable to find a second job at this time.

I have asthma, ulcers, and mild cerebral palsy. Obamacare takes my monthly rate from $75 a month for full coverage on my “Young Adult Plan,” to $319 a month. After $6,000 in deductibles, of course.

Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to support myself, let alone older generations and people not willing to work at all.

This law has raped my future.

It will keep me and kids my age from having a future at all.

This is the real face of Obamacare and it isn’t pretty.

George Schwab: George Schwab, 62, of North Carolina, said he was “perfectly happy” with his plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield, which also insured his wife for a $228 monthly premium. But this past September, he was surprised to receive a letter saying his policy was no longer available. The “comparable” plan the insurance company offered him carried a $1,208 monthly premium and a $5,500 deductible.

A Middle Class Texas Family: Obamacare is named the “Affordable Care Act,” after all, and the President promised the rates would be “as low as a phone bill.” But I just received a confirmed letter from a friend in Texas showing a 539% rate increase on an existing policy that’s been in good standing for years.

As the letter reveals (see below), the cost for this couple’s policy under Humana is increasing from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month. This is for a couple in good health whose combined income is less than $70K — a middle-class family, in other words.

Michael Cerpok: “I’ve worked hard because I’ve had to, and I’ve had to, because cancer runs in my family,” says Cerpok, who picked his current health insurance based on that family history. His monthly premium is just about half of his monthly take-home pay.

Back in 2006, he found out he had an incurable form of leukemia that requires ongoing treatment until he dies.

In 2012, his treatment bill was more than $350,000. But because of his insurance, his out-of-pocket was only $4,500.

That’s about to change because Michael just got a letter from his insurance carrier saying as of January 1, he would be dropped from coverage because of new regulations under Obamacare.

Bill Elliot: Fox News host Megyn Kelly shared a heart rendering story Thursday night of a South Carolina man with cancer who is being forced to make what he sees as a life or death decision after his health insurance plan was cancelled because of Obamacare.

Bill Elliot, who voted for President Obama, contacted “The Kelly File” via Facebook and said he can no longer afford to pay his medical bills and does not want to take on the new costs because he does not want to put a “burden” on his family, according to Fox News.

Saying he feels “misled,” Elliott told Kelly his new insurance will cost him $1,500 per month with a $13,000 deductible, adding that he will opt to pay the minimal fine for not having health insurance and “will just let nature take its course.”


So what do you think about Obamacare?  Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below…

Obamacare 2013






13 Nephilim Skulls Found In Mexico?

Nephilim Skull Mexico - Photo by Cristina Garcia Moreno INAH

So much of what we have been taught about ancient history is simply not true.  According to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, a team of archaeologists working close to the Mexican village of Onavas has made an amazing discovery.  They reportedly found 13 ancient human specimens that had grossly elongated skulls.  You can find original photographs of this discovery right here, but the descriptions of the photos are in Spanish.  The Mexican scientists are telling us that these skulls are approximately 1,000 years old, and that no skulls of this nature have ever been found in this region of Mexico before.  So exactly what is going on here?  Are these elongated skulls simply the product of an ancient technique known as “cradle-boarding”, or is there another explanation?  Could these actually be Nephilim skulls that prove that an ancient race of hybrids once roamed the planet?  You might want to hold on to your hat – because the (Read More....)










CoNSPiRaCY MeMe...

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Submitted by williambanzai7 on 11/22/2013 10:01 -0500






























Stupid Government Policy Is More Dangerous than Terrorism